Damir Sagolj on North Korea’s Hunger Crisis, After Kim Jong-il’s Death

Revisiting North Korea’s Hunger Crisis

Reuters photographer Damir Sagolj visited North Korea in October and had a rare glimpse of the extent of the food crisis in rural areas.

via Lens Blog: http://lens.blogs.nytimes.com/2011/12/20/revisiting-north-koreas-hunger-crisis/?pagewanted=all

The death of the North Korean leader Kim Jong-il comes not only at a time of political uncertainty, but also against a hunger crisis caused by storms and floods. This year, the Reuters photographer Damir Sagolj was part of a group of journalists invited by the government – itself a rare step — to document the emergency facing the country’s farm region. As Lens republishes his images today from a post in October, we asked him for an update.